Information for Currently Enrolled Students
Download the 2025 Information PacketDirector’s Welcome Letter
Dear Parents and Students,Welcome to our Eagle U family! We are so excited and grateful to have you with us! It is a privilege for me to get to know your family and have you join us this summer.
To the parents - thank you so much for what you’re doing for your student. Thirteen years ago, my parents made the decision to send me to Eagle U, and it was hands-down the best thing they ever did for me. I loved the program so much that I attended every single year as a student, then as a Team Leader, and now as the Executive Director. The week your student spends at Eagle U will be life-changing. At Eagle U, we know that your child is the most important thing in the world to you. Therefore, I want to assure you that their health, safety, and wellbeing is our number one priority. It’s my personal promise to you that they will have an incredible week.
To the students - you may or may not know exactly what you’re getting into...and that’s okay! For the majority of our students, this is their first time attending and they don’t know anyone either, so if you fall into that boat please do not worry, you’re not alone. I promise you that once you arrive at Eagle U, you will feel right at home. I know that it may not sound entirely appealing to spend a week of your summer vacation at a youth success conference, but I guarantee that you will have an amazing time and you won’t regret coming! The skills you will learn at Eagle U are going to help you get anything you want out of life!
This Student Welcome Packet contains almost everything you will need to know and do to prepare for Eagle U. You will probably need to reference this packet multiple times as it contains important information and action-items that you will need to complete. Please keep this packet saved in a safe place so you can access it easily.
I am here for you should you have any questions or need any help at all! Please never hesitate to reach out. My email is and my personal cell is (303) 525-8878. Feel free to email, text, or call me anytime!
I can’t wait to meet you this summer! And for those of you that have been before, I can’t wait to see you again!
Taylor Lowe - Eagle U, Executive Director
The History and Overview of Eagle U
Eagle U was co-founded in the 1990’s by Steven J. Anderson. As an entrepreneur and mentor to thousands of professionals and business executives, he identified Natural Laws of human behavior and designed systems to accomplish predictable, consistent results in business and in life.For years, those professionals he worked with asked for a way that their own children could learn these Natural Laws and their applications early in life, in order to avoid the many pitfalls and mistakes that so many people make. Since then, Steve and the Eagle U team have worked with thousands of young adults to accomplish that objective.
It’s a common scenario: four years of high school, four years of college, and then what? Most people spend the first seven years out of college bouncing around from job to job, often returning for more schooling because they can’t make a career decision, until they finally get stuck in some career they can barely tolerate.
At Eagle U, you will learn success principles from today’s business leaders and role models, as well as techniques and systems that when followed, will help you move more rapidly through your education and skip the trial and error process to find a career and a job that fits you.
Throughout the course of the program, you will challenge yourself, identify your strengths, achieve greater independence, gain confidence, and ignite your passion. You will acquire a better understanding of your interpersonal relationships and develop valuable leadership skills. By the end of the week, you will have a road map that will lead you where you want to go. The goals and the dreams you create for yourself will be well within your reach.
Congratulations on having the courage to do something that most are not willing to do... to be a little different and achieve a lot more.
Student Registration Process & Tuition
Registration Process - Mandatory Forms
Please review this page very carefully as you must complete ALL of the mandatory forms in order to officially register for Eagle U 2025. Please note that your student’s spot is not officially locked in until everything below has been completed and the deposit has been paid. All forms are to be completed online. If you have already completed all of the forms below or you are unsure and you want to double check, please reach out to Taylor Lowe.Registration Forms:
Student Conduct and Liability Form:
Complete the Student Conduct and Liability form here: Student Conduct and Liability FormTravel Forms:
Details regarding travel information can be found on pages 5 and 6. Please read the information and use the links provided on those pages to complete the travel forms.Tuition & Financial Information
Payment Schedule and Deadlines - Please Read:Tuition Coverage:
Student tuition covers all workshops, residence hall lodging, all meals, all program workbooks and materials, planned recreational and evening activities, and program memorabilia for the duration of the program. Tuition does not include travel or transportation to and from the program city or any miscellaneous spending money.Payment Information:
Tuition fees and deposits can be paid online with a credit or debit card in your student’s CampBrain account. To make a payment, access your account here: Student Account. If you prefer to pay by check, please contact the Executive Director, Taylor Lowe.Payment Plan (Only if Needed):
If needed - As a way of making paying for tuition more manageable, Eagle U will work with you to set up a customized payment plan. If you are interested in a payment plan, please contact Taylor Lowe at Voyage!
Travel Information & Arrival and Departure Instructions
The 2025 Eagle U program kicks off on Monday, July 14th and wraps up on Friday, July 18th. All programming will be held at Baker University where students will stay for the duration of the program. No student is permitted to leave campus at any time. Students may either fly or drive/get dropped off. If your student will be flying, please book your flights according to the parameters outlined below. We will have Eagle U staff waiting to greet your student at the airport as they come out of the terminal and will have a private shuttle that will transport them between the campus & the airport. If your student is driving, see pg. 6.Once you have made your student’s travel arrangements, you must complete the online travel form. This form must be submitted no later than June 1st. Complete form here: Student Travel Form
Please schedule flights according to the information below.. Submit flight information using the online travel form. *Please do NOT book your student as an “unaccompanied minor”, please book them as normal passenger - Eagle U will not be able to sign for unaccompanied minors.FLIGHT ARRIVAL
DRIVING Arrivals and Departures
Please schedule your student’s arrival and departure as follows.STUDENT ARRIVAL - Driving
*We ask that students are dropped off and do not have a car with them. However, special circumstances for students over 18 years old driving long distances may be permitted to have a car on campus. We will need to have their car keys checked in with our staff for the duration of the week. In order for us to accommodate you, please let us know by May 1st if your student is driving to the program. *Neither Eagle U, nor the University, is liable for theft, damage to, or loss of vehicles parked on campus
Once you have made your student’s travel arrangements, you must complete the online travel form. This form must be submitted no later than June 1st. Complete form here: Student Travel Form
Participant Responsibility & Conduct
Responsibility and Conduct:
Participants are expected to attend all scheduled Eagle U events and workshops. Participants must conduct themselves in a mature and responsible manner. Eagle U participants must also follow all program and/or University guidelines and fully respect the rights of others.Alcohol/Drug Policy:
All participants shall abide by University laws and policies concerning the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages, and all other policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the University, and University Residential facilities. Possession and/or usage of alcohol or drugs at any point throughout the Eagle U program is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion from the program. The University also prohibits: unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, use, sale of, or the attempted manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or sale of controlled substances identified in Federal and State law or regulations. Possession of paraphernalia for intended or implied use of controlled substances, or paraphernalia possessing controlled substance residue are prohibited.Telephones/In-room Internet access:
Guests who bring their own computer/laptop can access the Internet directly in their sleeping rooms.Pets:
No animals, except guide dogs for the visually impaired, are permitted in the residential facilities.Cancellation Policy:
Notification of withdrawal must be made in writing to Eagle U prior to June 1.. Should the student need to cancel his or her reservation in the program, the tuition and deposit are refundable up until this date. No refunds are available after June 1.Tuition Coverage and Policy:
The tuition covers all workshops, residence hall lodging, all meals, all program workbooks and materials, planned recreational and evening activities, and program memorabilia for the duration of the program. Tuition does not include travel or transportation to and from the program city or any miscellaneous spending money. The $100 deposit fee is required to reserve a student’s spot. Remaining tuition payment is due by June 1, 2025. If the remaining balance is not paid by June 1st. Eagle U will charge the card on file.Early Departure:
There are no refunds offered once a student arrives at the program. A participant will not be refunded any portion of the tuition if he or she leaves early from the program due to illness, for reasons of dismissal, or for voluntary withdrawal.A Day In the Life at Eagle U...
Your home while at Eagle U will be the campus residence buildings on the University campus. Each dorm room will have twin beds, dressers, desks, and a bathroom. In addition, all rooms are air-conditioned. Members of our Eagle U team will also live on each floor so that they can get to know you better and be nearby in case you need extra help or support. You will eat in the campus dining halls, which feature a wide variety of options for each meal, including hot entrees, a salad bar, desserts and vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free and allergy-free selections.
Prior to arriving at Eagle U, you will be thoughtfully and carefully placed in a team of 8 to 12 other students in your age group. Your team will be your “family” during the week. You will be with your team during the main program, meals, and breakout sessions. Each team will be led by an amazing and qualified Team Leader who will ensure that you have the best experience possible. A couple weeks prior to arriving, your Team Leader will give you a welcome call and answer any questions you may have.SAMPLE SCHEDULE
This is a sample schedule and is intended to give you an idea of what a day could be like. The actual program schedule will vary.
Homesickness Letter
Dear Eagle U. Parents,Congratulations on sending your son or daughter to Eagle University this year. The skills that they will learn during this incredible program will help them become the best possible self. We are excited to get to know them and work with them this week. One of the things that I have noticed the past several years is that many of our students have some anxiety during the week. This is especially common in students who are away from home for the first time. There are a few things that you can do to help your son or daughter have a successful week.
First, supportive and sensitive communication can go a long way. Any new experience, especially in a new environment, causes nervousness, but a positive outlook and encouragement are crucial to a successful away-from-home experience. I think the statement that a long-time summer camp director made is true that “Homesickness is as much a parent’s problem as it is a child’s problem.” If you talk to your child during the week of Eagle U be positive about your expectations, the activities, and the environment, what they are learning and, of course, the fun they can have at Eagle U. An encouraged child will feel less apprehensive about their experience.
Second, how a parent responds to a “homesick” call can make or break the Eagle U experience. According to University of California psychologist Chris Thurber, homesickness is actually the norm and not the exception. In his studies he found that a whopping 83% of campers studied reported homesickness on at least one day during their experience. Anxiety away from home is a part of growing up and breaking away. Most people experience homesickness at some time in their lives and for your child, this may be the first experience with this feeling. Dealing with this anxiety in a supportive environment such as Eagle U can be an opportunity to learn and gain self-confidence. Eagle U is a place where your child will learn about responsibility, have fun with new friends, and have new experiences. Eagle U is a safe, caring environment where nurturing adults are trained to support students through this sometimes difficult growth process.
Some things to consider as you interact with your child during the week include the following.
We hope to provide all of our students a fabulous experience at Eagle University, to improve their self-esteem and to give them new tools to succeed in all areas of life. You can help us and your son or daughter to be successful this week with your positive communication.
I will be on campus all week and will be available to help any student with any signs of anxiety and homesickness. Feel free to contact me with any concerns before or after camp for this or any other medical concerns.
Jeff Anderson, MD Eagle University - Program Physician
Let’s Get Packing!
Dress Code - “Modest Casual”
Eagle U is a career success experience with many opportunities to meet successful mentors. Appropriate modest casual wear includes: jeans, pants, capris, appropriate length shorts, T-shirts, blouses, button-ups, athletic shoes, flats, flip-flops, sandals, etc. We will be doing a lot of walking on campus so make sure to pack comfortable shoes! PROHIBITED clothing includes: Mini skirts/dresses, short shorts, strapless shirts/tube tops, sweatpants, tank tops & spaghetti straps, anything that is low-cut in the front or back, sheer, or revealing, jeans with holes or shreds, any clothing with inappropriate words/design that could be considered offensive or suggestive. Avoid being sloppy or inappropriately casual.Mandatory Packing Checklist
Optional: lotion, make-up, hairspray, hair styling tools, feminine products, etc.
OPTIONAL Packing Checklist
Mentor Roundtable
You must remember to pack one professional outfit. On Thursday morning, we will host over 50 extremely successful mentors from various professions and industries from all over the state. The dress code for that morning will be BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL. Think: “What would I wear to a job interview?”. Please see below for SPECIFIC instructions on what to wear and what to pack!For more information on what to wear, watch these videos:
Females - For more info click on Female Attire Guide and use password “eagle123” to access the video.Males – For more info click on Male Attire Guide and use password “eagle123” to access the video.
Female Dress Code Guide:

Male Dress Code Guide:

General Information & FAQ’s
Dietary Restrictions & Food Allergies
All students will eat every meal at the University Dining Hall. If your student has dietary restrictions or food allergies, there will be a section of the student medical form where you will be able to inform us of such needs. The dining hall is fully equipped to accommodate any restrictions or allergies.Student Safety & Security
Your student’s safety is our number one priority. We will be on the University Campus during the duration of the entire program, and no student will be permitted to leave campus. The University has on-site campus security available 24/7 ensuring a safe campus. While at the program, participants will be broken into groups. Each group will be led by a team leader: an experienced, responsible young adult who has already proven their knowledge of Eagle U principles by living them. In addition, the Executive Director and program staff will be housed in the same dormitory building as the students.Health & Medical
Please make sure you thoroughly complete the student medical form so that Eagle U staff is fully aware of any medical needs your student may have. Prior to arriving at the program, Dr. Jeff Anderson (Eagle U Program Physician) will review each student’s medical form so that he is fully aware of any medical needs. There will be a licensed nurse and/or doctor on staff during the duration of the program. If your student has prescription medication, please make sure to pack it with them along with instructions.Eagle U Contact Information
Website: http://eagleuniversity.orgEagle U Executive Director: Taylor Lowe Email:
Cell Phone Number: (303) 525-8878
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Eagle U Referral Program!
Bring a friend!
At Eagle U, we believe in sharing the love and giving back.. .and what better to share than the gift of Eagle U?! Our goal is to touch as many lives as possible, but we need your help!
If you refer someone to attend Eagle U, and they fully enroll in the program, you will both receive $200 OFF the cost of tuition. For more information, contact Taylor Lowe. *This discount applies to full-priced tuition only & cannot be combined with any other discounts.