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Grab a copy of the #1 book written for parents based on thirty years of proven experience from working with high school and college aged students!

This book is a must for all parents of children of any age. It provides the perfect guide to reinforce important lessons that many do not discover until later in life. Written by the founder of Eagle U (and father of 7 children), Steve Anderson, he discovered that much of the lack of direction that is characteristic of young people has its roots in the youths’ interchanges with conscientious and thoughtful parents, coaches, advisors and other adults in positions of influence. Some or all of these were unknowingly causing the young people to develop habits that can cause delays in career development. With a great depth of experience interacting with students, Steve documented in a book the things he discovered so that parents would be sensitive to potential mistakes before they are committed.
- What parental actions cause young people to lack motivation. Chapter 6
- How parents subconsciously affect young people’s choice of friends. Chapter 8
- What can be done to make young people more self-reliant. Chapter 9
- What parental actions cause young people to develop approval addiction. Chapter 5
- How to keep young people from allowing “average” to be acceptable. Chapter 6
- How parents cause young people to take everything they have for granted. Chapter 1
- What can be done to help young people enjoy being conscientious workers. Chapter 12
- How to show young people the right path without seeming to be overbearing. Chapter 4
Anyone can benefit from the contents of this book. It gives a guide to any adult who interacts with young people that can’t be found anywhere else.