Do Your Fears Wake You Up?

This week I finally got a chance to see the new movie everyone is talking about, Divergent.

Not expecting much more than a little entertainment, I was surprised to find myself motivated by the main character Tris.  Tris is part of world divided by personality and overtaken by fear.

Sometimes, we might find ourselves overtaken by fear.  The best place to look for fear is in our excuses.  What reasons do we give for not acting on our goals? What obstacles do we let shut us out from doing our best in school, on the field or on stage? These excuses shed light on what we are afraid of in our lives.

When we meet Tris, we quickly learn that she is different—a Divergent.  Unlike the majority of the people in her society, Tris does not fit into just one personality type or way of life.  Most importantly, though, her fears don’t shut her down like the rest. Instead, her fears wake her up and call her to action.

I admit, often times, I am shut down from my fears.  I use excuses to justify not trying out for the team or not applying for the job of my dreams because I FEAR I will not be good enough.  Instead of being crippled by fear, fear should bring us to life!  What if every time we faced our fears, it made us ACT? …made us greater? …inspired us to be our best?

After seeing the movie, I decided to check out the book (I know…I did it backwards!).  I quickly glanced at the front cover and read: “One choice can transform you.”

Sometimes fear cripples us from facing the decisions that will ultimately change our life. When you and I face our fears in the coming days, weeks, months, and even years, will we allow our fears to shut us down or will we use our fears to wake us up and help us make the choices that can transform our lives?


Are you looking for one choice that can transform your life? Check out our summer program this July 7th-11th at the University of Louisville and learn how to make the choices that will help you get anything you want out of life!