Every morning when we wake up there’s a giant number written on our forehead. We get dressed and go on with our day, carrying this number with us along the way. Our magical number lets the world know how extraordinary we are. Each person we come into contact with can read it…
…but who put this number there?
We did! Whether we realize it or not, each day we tell the world how awesome (or not so awesome) we feel about who we are.
Sometimes we unknowingly scribble a “5” up there. Before we know it, our entire day has become less than extraordinary and we end up feeling pretty average. Soon others catch on, and they start to think of us as just a “5” too. Thanks to the law of attraction, we are now running with a whole crew of “5”s…
…but why hang with “5”s when you can hang with “10”s?
Think about it: We get to select the number we walk around with every single day. If we wake up in the morning and put on our “10”, everyone around us will start to notice us as “10”s, too! The truth is that the world takes us at our own estimate. If we don’t think highly of ourselves, how can we expect others to do the same?
As “10”s, we attract even more “10”s into our lives! The more we treat ourselves as “10”s and encourage others to do the same, the more extraordinary the group of eagles we flock with will become!
Action Item: Wake up each morning, take our your imaginary marker and draw a 10 on your forehead!